Click here
to view Beever's full curriculum vitae
Areas of Specialization and
Specializations: Applied Ethics
(Bioethics, Animal and Environmental
Ethics, Research Ethics), Environmental
Competencies: Normative Ethics, Semiotics,
American Philosophy
Interdisciplinary Compentencies:
Environmental Humanities, Digital
Humanities, Engineering Education
Selected Publications:
- "Where Ethics is Taught: An
Institutional Epidemiology." 2021. International
Journal of Ethics Education.
Jonathan Beever, Stephen Kuebler,
Jordan Collins.
- "Sonic Liminality: Soundscapes,
Semiotics, and Ecologies of Meaning."
2020. Biosemiotics (special
edition on Hybrid Natures). Ed.
Maekivi, N.
- Philosophy, Film, and the Dark
Side of Interdependence. 2020.
Lexington Books. Jonathan Beever
- Understanding Digital
Ethics: Cases and Contexts.
December 2019. Jonathan Beever, Rudy
McDaniel, Nancy Stanlick. Taylor and
- The Way of Nature or the Way of
Grace: Philosophical Themes in
Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life.
2016. Jonathan Beever and Vernon W.
Cisney (Eds.). Northwestern University
- “The Mountain and the Wolf:
Leopold’s Uexkullian Influence.” 2017.
Beever, Jonathan. Resilience: A
Journal of the Environmental
- “Justifying Moral Standing by
Biosemiotic Particularism.” 2016.
Beever, Jonathan and Morten Tønnessen.
Zeitschrift fur Semiotik
- “Introducing Biosemiotic Ethics.”
2016. Zeitschrift fur Semiotik #1/2.
Morten Tønnessen, Jonathan Beever, and
Yogi Hale Hendlin.
- “Teaching Ethics Ecologically:
Decision-Making Through Narrative.”
2016. Beever, Jonathan. Teaching
- “Bioethics and the Challenge of the
Ecological Individual.” 2016. Beever,
Jonathan and Nicolae Morar. Environmental
- “The Porosity of Autonomy: Social
and Biological Constitution of the
Individual in Biomedicine.” 2016.
Beever, Jonathan and Nicolae Morar. American
Journal of Bioethics 16(2).
- “Reflexive Principlism As An
Effective Approach for Developing
Ethical Reasoning in Engineering.”
2016 [online Feb 2015]. Beever,
Jonathan and Andrew Brightman. Science
and Engineering Ethics
22(1):275-291. DOI
- Perspectives in Bioethics,
Science, and Public Policy.
2013a. Purdue University Press. ed.
Beever, Jonathan and Nicolae Morar.
- “Baudrillard’s Simulated Ecology.”
2013b. Sign Systems Studies.
Beever, Jonathan.
- “Violence, Terrorism, and the
Symbolic Response.” 2012a.
International Journal of Baudrillard
Studies. Beever, Jonathan.
- “Meaning Matters: The Biosemiotic
Basis of Bioethics.” 2012b. Biosemiotics,
5:2. 181-191. Beever, Jonathan.